Friday, November 12, 2010

coconut breaking

           Coconut breaking really takes few mins. Every one can break the coconut easily. Its the basic thing should know every one in this world. Here is the best tutorial to breaking the coconut. Also u can separate the coconut shell, coconut milk and the coconut.  
  • Find the eyes of the coconut.

  • Poke a hole into one of those eye, and drain the milk into a clean cup through the holes. You can  use it for lots of recipes, so don't Waste it.
  • Coconuts breaking is easy when they're cold or hot. You can put yours in the freezer for an hour or heat it in a big pan for twenty to thirty minutes. If you heat it, be sure to let it cool before cracking. If you freeze it be sure to let it to be normal temp.
  • Cover the coconut with a towel and use a good hammer to gently hit it all over the coconut shell. Now you can see the inside fresh coconut. Just peel it with a peeler.

  • Have your coconut as fresh pieces, or cut it and use it for some other recipes. You can store coconut in an air-tight container for few days in the refrigerator. If u don't have refrigerator you can put the coconut for 2 days by applying salt on it.

1 comment:

  1. Very Smart technique :) Let me try it next time I get a coconut. Thanks for stopping by at my blog and for your nice comments :) Good luck with yours,I enjoyed the weight loosing recipes too:)
